Mühltal - Our forest is of central importance for the biological diversity of our habitat, for our climate, the quality of the water and the soil. The forest is a valuable asset for us humans. It provides the renewable raw material wood and is a wonderful place for young and old to spend time. Now, in order for the forest to fulfill all these functions, it requires expert care with clearly defined goals and a holistic approach.
On March 12, 2022, a joint reforestation campaign took place in the forest near the old "Eiserne Hand" forester's lodge with the support of Hessen Forst and Mühltal clubs. Previously, there were spruce trees in the area that had been attacked by the bark beetle, eaten away and therefore harvested.
Hannes Stork, board member of the DATRON Sport- und Kulturverein e.V. (SKV), passionate forest gardener and conservationist, had the idea to do something good for the forest through an active measure and therefore called for a forest planting campaign. Due to the Corona pandemic, the number of participants was limited in advance and all available places were booked up in no time. 50 adults and 15 children, including members of 8 local associations and initiatives, thus went to work last Saturday morning in spring-like temperatures with spades and great energy.
Following the credo that plants are only planted where nature needs support, forester Klaus Seifert instructed the inquisitive helpers in proper planting. 1000 annual deciduous trees now found their new home outdoors in the forest. Each plant received its own protective net to save it from browsing by deer. Now fresh greenery can sprout again: 150 bird cherries are growing in the first three planting rows. Behind them, 850 Norway maple trees line up. The damaged area is completely filled with forest trees again. Both the bird cherry and the Norway maple are an absolute magnet for insects because of their flowers. Numerous bird species enjoy the fruits of the bird cherries in autumn.
After the young trees were planted, members of the Traisa volunteer fire department watered each individual plant with a watering can. In the event of severe drought, the firefighters plan to continue watering the saplings regularly in the future to support successful growth.
The Traisa e.V. angling club and DATRON SKV e.V. provided the hard-working helpers with sandwiches, crumble cake and refreshments.
At the end of the all-around successful action, all participants immortalized themselves with a personal greeting on their little trees. Little wooden hearts with the club names now adorn the tender shoots.
Residents, athletes, hikers and other visitors like to use the flat and safe paths in the local forest as cycling and running paths for recreation or physical exercise. The nearby forest provides the Kerwe tree that decorates the fairground every year as well as the firewood that heats many homes. For all of us, the forest is a useful resource that must be cherished, cared for and developed for sustainable growth. The participants of the planting campaign would like to express their sincere thanks to the foresters Klaus Seifert, Rudi Schilling and Laurenz Pries for their benevolent cooperation for many years. On behalf of the organizers, many thanks go to the Traisa e.V. fishing club, the Mühltal Volunteer Fire Department, Mühltal Cycling Club, SV 1911 Traisa e.V., the Traisa e.V. swimming pool club, Turngemeinde 1879 Traisa e.V. and the Vogel- und Naturschutzgruppe Traisa e.V. (Traisa Bird and Nature Conservation Group).